Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1.1 Router Manager User Guide
Chapter 9 Interface Status SRP Sid e IPS Stat us

SRP Side IPS Status

The Side IPS Status section covers the following:
Viewing the IPS Status Attribu tes
IPS Status WindowDeta iled Description

Viewing the IPS Status Attributes

This dialog displays the Intelligent Protection Switching (IPS) status of the selected side interface. To
view the IPS Status window, proc eed as follows:
Step 1 Right clic k a SRP side interface and cho ose Cisco 1200 0/107 20 Mana ger>Fault>SRP>Side> IPS
Status. See Table 9-2 on p age 9-2 for info rmat ion o n whi ch ob jec ts all ow you to la unch the IPS Sta tus
Figure 9-10 IPS Status Window
Step 2 Choose a Chassis, Module, SRP Interfac e a nd SRP Side from the list boxes displayed on the left side
of the wind ow.