Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1.1 Router Manager User Guide
Chapter 14 Routing OSPF Status
Import AS ExternThe area's support for importing AS external link-state advertisements.
SPF RunsThe number of times that the intra-area route table has been calculated using this area's
link-state database.
Area Border Router CountThe tot al number of ar ea bor der route rs reach able with in this are a.
AS Border Router CountThe total number of Autonomous System border routers reachable within this
area .
Area LSA CountThe total number of link-state advertisements in this area's link-state database,
excluding AS Exter nal LSA's.
Area LSA ChecksumLink-state advertisements' LS checksums contained in this area's link-state

Stub Area

Stub TOSThe Type of Service associated with the metric.
Stub Area IDUnique identifier for a Stub area.
Stub MetricThe metric value applied at the indicated type of service. By default, this equals the least
metric at the type of service among the interfaces to other areas.
Stub StatusThis variable displays the validity or invalidity of the entry. When this value is set to
invalid, it has the effect of rendering it inoperative.

Area Range

Area Range ID The Area the Addr ess Range is to be found withi n.
Area Range NetThe IP Address of t he Net or Subne t indicate d by the range.
Area Range MaskThe Subnet Mask that pertains to the Net or Subnet.
Area Range StatusDisplays the validity or invalidity of the entry. When this value is set to invalid, it
has the effect of re nderin g it inopera tive.


The In terface ta b displays th ree ar eas: Inte rface, Int erface Metri c and Virtu al Inte rface.


Addressless InterfaceDif ferentiates the addr essless interfaces from the addressed interfa ces. When the
value is set to zero, it signifies that the interface has an IP address.
Interfa ce IP A dd res sThe IP address of the OSPF interface.
Interface Area IDUnique identif ier of the area to which the interf ace conn ects. Ar ea ID 0.0. 0.0 is us ed
for the OSPF backbone.
Interfa ce Type The type of the Interface.
Interfa ce A dm in Sta tus The OSPF interface's administrative status. When the value is set to enabled,
it signifies that the neighbor relationships may be formed on the interface, and the interface is advertised
as an internal route to some area. When the value is set to disabled, it signifies that the interface is
extern al to OS PF.
Router PriorityThe priority of this interface. When the value is set to 0, it sig nifie s that the router is
not eligibl e to become the desi gnated rout er on this par ticula r network.