Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1.1 Router Manager User Guide
Chapter 14 Routing BGP Configuration

BGP Configuration

The BGP Configurat ion window allows the user to en able, mo dify and disa ble a BGP process in the
device. The BG P Configu ration w ind ow also all ows the use r to configure a B GP N etwork, BGP
Neighbor and BGP Redistribute protocol.
The BGP Configuration section covers the following:
View ing the BGP Details Tab on the BGP Config uration Window
BGP Details TabDetailed Description
Enablin g BGP on a Chassis
Enable BGP WindowDetailed Description
Modifyin g BG P on a C hassis
BGP Modify WindowDetailed Description
Disabling BGP on a Chassis
Viewing the Netwo rk Tab on the B GP Configurat ion Window
Network TabDetailed Description
BGP Network Configurati on
BGP Network Co nfiguration WindowDetailed Description
Viewing the Neighbor Ta b on the BGP Configuratio n Win dow
Neighbor TabDetailed Description
BGP Neighbo r Con figuration
BGP Neighbor Con figuration Win dowDetailed Description
Viewing the Redi stribution Tab on the BG P Co nfiguration Window
Redistribution TabDetailed Description
BGP Redistr ibute Configurat ion
BGP Redistr ibute Configurat ion Detailed Description

Viewing the BGP Details Tab on the BGP Configuration Window

The BGP Details tab displays the BGP information. The user can enable, disable or modify BGP running
on the device. To view the B GP Con figurati on w indow for a cha ssis, pr ocee d as fol lows:
Step 1 Right click on the chassis object and choose Configuration>BGP>BGP Configuration. See Ta ble 14-1
on page 14-2 for info rma tion on whi ch o bjec ts al low you to la unch the BGP Configura tion w ind ow.
Note The BGP Details tab i s always displayed up on launch ing the BGP Configurat ion window.