Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1.1 Router Manager User Guide
Chapter 14 Routing
BGP Configuration

Redistribution TabDetailed Description

The Redist ribution tab displays a si ngle area, BG P Redistribution Infor mation

BGP Redistribution Information

ProtocolThis displ ays t h e pro t ocol who se rou tes ar e redi stribute d by B GP. The redi str ibute
configurati on causes t he corre sponding ro utes to be re distributed in to BGP.
AS/TagA Proces s ID of the red is tributed pro toc ol
IS-IS Routing LevelRouting level of ISIS Protoc ol
Redistribution MetricSpecifies the metric used for redistributed routes.
Add/Remove RedistributeClicki ng the Add/Rem ove Redistribute action button opens the BGP
Redistribute Configuration window. For more details, see BGP Redistribute Configuratio n section on
page 16.

BGP Redistribute Configuration

The BGP Redistribute Configuration window allows the user to add or remove a redistribution entries
from the device. To configure the BGP Redist ribute protocol, pro ceed as fol lows:
Step 1 Open the BGP configuration window. See Viewing the BGP Details Tab on the BGP Configuratio n
Window section on pa ge 14-3 for f ur ther deta ils. C lic k on t he Re distri bution t ab.
Step 2 Choose the chassis, for which you want to configure the BGP Redistribute, from the left side of the
Note You can choose multiple chassis (from the chassis list) which allows you to launch the BGP
Redistribute Configuration window for the selected chassis.
Step 3 Click on the Ad d/Re move Redistr ibute button. The BGP Re distri bute Co nfiguration w indow appe ar s.