Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1.1 Router Manager User Guide
Chapter 14 Routing BGP Configuration

Neighbor TabDetailed Description

The Neighbor tab displays a single area, BGP Neighbor Information.

BGP Neighbor Information

Neighbor I P A ddre ss Specifies the IP a ddr ess of the n eighbor r outer.
Neighbor I DIndicates the BGP identifier of the BGP peer entry
StateSpecifies the state of the n ei ghbor router that can be one of Idle, Active, Established, Ope n sent,
Connect or Openconfirm.
Negotiated VersionSpecifies the negotiated version of BGP runni ng between the two pee rs.
Remote ASSpe ci fies the neig hbo r rou ters a utono mou s sy stem nu mb er w hic h ca n be fr om 1-655 35.
Rece ived Upd at e Me s sag esT he n umb er o f B G P U pdat e me ssage s r ece ived on this co nne ction .
Transmitted Update MessagesThe number of BGP Update messages transmitted on this connection.
Total Received MessagesThe total number of messages received from the remote peer on this
connec tio n.
Total Tr ansmitted MessagesThe total number of messages transmitted to the remote peer on this
connec tio n.
Hold TimeThe Hold Timer established with the peer (in seconds).
Kee p Al ive Tim eThe KeepAlive timer established with the peer (in seconds).
Configured Hold TimeThe Hold Time configured for this BGP speaker with this peer (in seconds).
Configured KeepAlive TimeThe KeepAlive timer configured for this BGP speaker with this peer (in
Add/Remove NeighborClicking on the Add/Remov e Neighbor action button opens the BGP Neighbor
Configurati on window. For more detai ls, see B GP Neighbor Configuration sec tion on page 13.

BGP Neighbor Configuration

The BGP Neighbor Configuration window allows the user to add or remove neighbor configurations for
BGP add ress fam il ies. To co nfigure the BG P Ne ighb or, proceed as fo llows:
Step 1 Open the BGP Configurati on window. See Viewing the BGP Details Tab on the BGP Co nfiguration
Window sect ion o n page 14-3 for further details. Click on the Neighbor tab.
Step 2 Choose the chassis, for which you want to configure the BGP Neighbor , from the left side of the window.
Note You can ch oose m ultiple chassis (from the chass is list) which allows you to launch the BGP
Neighbor Co nfigurat ion w indow fo r th e sele cted ch ass is.