Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1.1 Router Manager User Guide
Chapter 5 Managi ng Modules Module Performance
To Start/Stop pe rform ance logging for a select ed module , procee d as follows:
Step 1 Open the Module Performance window. See Viewing the Module Performa nce Window section on
page 5-10 for fur the r d eta ils .
Step 2 Choose a Chassis and Module(s) from the list boxes displayed at the left of the window. The
perform ance in forma tio n for th e s ele cte d GR P m odule is displ aye d.
Note You can select multiple Modules from the Module object selector list. Selecting multiple
module s a llows yo u to sta rt/ stop pe rfo rm ance lo ggi ng fo r al l o f the se lec ted m odule s
simultane ously. You can choo se mu ltiple modu les in a lis t by h olding down the Shif t key and
then selecting the first and last module in the list. You can choose multiple individual modules
by holding down the Ctrl key and clicking on the individual modul es.
Step 3 Click Start to begin perform ance loggi ng for the se lected mo dule. Cli ck Stop to stop perform ance
logging for the selected module.
Step 4 Launch the Perform ance Ma nager ap plica tion to vi ew the hist orical pe rforman ce infor mation for the
selected module. See Chapter 20, Performance Management and Historical Data, for further
inform ation on how to use the Perform ance Ma nager ap plicat ion.

Module Performance WindowDet ailed Description

The Module Performance window (see Figure 5-5 on page 5-10) displays a single Performance tab. The
Performa nce tab has t wo areas: CPU U sage an d Performa nce Loggi ng.

CPU Usage

The CPU Usage area displays the following fields:
CPU Busy%Displays the percentage of CPU put to use for the selected GRP module.
Average (1 min)Displays the percentage of CPU being utilized a veraged o ver a one minute period
for the selected GRP module.
Average (5 min)Displ ays the percen ta ge of C PU being utilized averaged over five minute period
for the selected GRP module.

Performance Logging

The Perfo rmanc e Loggin g area all ows you to start or stop perf ormance logging .
StartClick Start to enable performance logging for the selected GRP module. Enabling
perfo r ma nc e l ogg i ng allows performan ce data to be ga th er ed for the s ele cted mo du le . Performan ce
polling oc curs e v er y 15 minutes. Per formanc e data is then gathe red and stor ed for historic al re v ie w.
Current p er forma nce dat a c an be viewed in t he p er forma nce wi ndows, or you can view histor ica l
perform an ce d ata in Pe rfo rman ce M ana ger.
StopClick Stop to stop all performa nce logg ing on the sel ected modu le. Disab ling per formanc e
loggin g s tops perfo rma nce d ata from b eing gath er ed f or the se lect ed GRP mo dule .