Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1.1 Router Manager User Guide
Chapter 8 Interface Co nfiguration
APS Interface Configuration
B2 BER Threshold Cros sing Alarm (TCA)Set threshold limits for the system to prompt appropriate
B2 BER T CA t h reshold a larm m es sag es. T he field be side t his value disp lays the thr eshol d for the B 2
B3 BER Threshold Cros sing Alarm (TCA)Set threshold limits for the system to prompt appropriate
B3 BER T CA t h reshold a larm m es sag es. T he field be side t his value disp lays the thr eshol d for the B 3
Signal Degrade BERSet thresh old lim its for t h e syst em to p rom pt a pp ropri ate s igna l degra de B ER
thres hold alar m messag es . Th e field be s ide this value di s play s th e thr e sh o l d fo r the signal d egrade BER.
Signal Fail BER Set threshold limits f or the sy stem to pro mpt appropriate signal fail BER thr eshold
alarm messages. The field beside this va lue displays the threshold for the signal fail BER.

Alarm Repor ting

The Alarm Reporting area contains the following fields:
Path Remote De fect Indic ation E rrorsEna ble o r disa bl e the path re mote defe ct ind icatio n er ror s ala rm
Line Remote Defect Indication ErrorsEnable or d is abl e th e lin e r em ot e d ef ect indication er ro rs alarm
Line Alarm I ndic ation Sign al Err or sEnable or disable the line alarm indication signal errors alarm
Rece ive Data Out of Lo ck Err orsEn abl e or d is able th e Rece ive data out pu t of loc k e rrors al arm
Path Alarm Indi ca tio n Sign al Er rors Enable or disable the path alarm indicatio n signal errors alarm
Section Loss of Signal ErrorsEnable or disable the sec tion lo ss o f signal e rrors alarm message s.
LAIS on I nter face ShutdownEn ab le or disa ble the L AIS o n in terfa ce s hut down al ar m me ssag es.
Section Loss of Frame Erro rsEnable or disable the section loss of fram e error s a larm messa ges.
Path Loss of Pointer ErrorsEnable or disable the path loss of pointer errors alar m messages.

APS Interface Configuration

The APS Interface Configuration window allows you to configure APS for a POS Interface. APS
Configuration al lows you to configure APS (Automa tic Protect ion Switching )
Note It is re com mende d tha t only a syst em adm ini strat or have access to the APS Configurati on
The APS Interface Configuration section covers the following areas:
Viewing the APS Co nfiguration Window
APS Configuration WindowDetailed Description