Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1.1 Router Manager User Guide
Chapter 16 MPLS VRF Management VRF Fault Management

BGP Neighbor Tab

The B GP Neighbor tab (see Figure 16-22) displays per-interface MPLS/EBGP neighbor information in
a single I nte rface MP LS/E BGP N eighbo r a r ea.
Figure 16-1 7 VPN Status Windo w BGP Neighbor Tab

Interf ace MPLS/EBG P Neighbor

The In terface MPL S/EBGP Ne ighbor a rea displa ys a table. Eac h entr y in this table specifies a
per-interface MPLS/EBGP neighbor. An entry in this table is created by an LSR for every VRF capable
of support ing MPLS /BGP VPN . The indexing provi des an order ing of VRFs per-VPN in terface.
The Interface MPLS/EBGP Neighbor table displays the following information:
VRFVRF nam e re spo nsible fo r this MP LS/BG P rou te.
Associated Interface NameInterface Name to which VRF is associated.
Neighbor AddrDisplay s the EBGP ne ighbor ad dress
Neighbor TypeDispla ys the address family of the PE address.
Neighbor RoleDisplays the role played by this EBGP neighbor with respect to this VRF.
Neighbor I ndexD isplay s a u nique terti ary index for an en tr y in the M PL S/BG P N eig hbo r Table .
Neighbor St orag e TypeThe storage type for this entry.