Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1.1 Router Manager User Guide

MPLS Management

This chapter describes the Multi Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) management tasks that can be
perform ed using th e Cisco 12000/ 10720 Rou ter Manag er applicat ion.
This chapter details the following information:
MPLS Ma nageme nt Workflow
Launch ing the M PLS Mana geme nt Wi ndows
MPLS Forwa rding Info rmat ion
Fault Manageme nt for MPLS LSR Interfaces
MPLS Int erface Status
MPLS Int erface Informa tion
Perfo rmanc e Ma nag eme nt for MP LS LS R Inte rface s
MPLS Int erface Perform ance
Fault Manage ment for MPLS LDP
MPLS LDP Entity Status Window
MPLS LDP Hello Adjacencies
MPLS LDP Peer Status
Fault Manage ment for MPLS Traffic Engineer ing
MPLS Tunnel Information


Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) fuses the intelligence of routing with the performance of
switching an d provides signific an t b enefits to n etworks with a p ure IP ar ch itec ture as w ell as th o se w ith
IP and ATM or a mix of other Layer 2 technologies. MPL S technology i s key to scalab le virtual private
networks (VPNs) and end-to-end quality of service (QoS), enabling efficient utilization of existing
networks to meet future growth and rapid fault correction of link and node failure. Similar to Layer 2
networks ( for exam ple , Fra me R ela y o r ATM), M PLS assign s la be ls to pa ckets fo r tr an sport acr oss
packet- o r c el l-ba sed n etwor ks. T he fo rward ing m e chani sm thr oug hou t the n etwor k is lab el swappi ng,
in which units of data (for example, a packet or a cell) carry a short, f ixed-length label that tells switching
nodes along the packets path how to process and forwar d the data.