Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1.1 Router Manager User Guide
Chapter 15 MPLS Management
Performance Managem ent for MPLS LSR Int erfaces
In Unicast PacketsDisplays t he nu mb er of p acket s delivered by th is sub -lay er t o a hi gher su b-la yer,
which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sub-layer.
Out Unicast PacketsDisplays the total number of packets that higher level protocols requested be
transmitted a nd which were not addressed to a m ulticast or broadc ast address at thi s sub-layer , including
those th at were disca rded or no t sent .
High Speed Counters
Note Only the High Speed Counters (64bit counters) from the General Performance Statistics tab will be
available for collection and not the 32bit counters. Data shown in Performance Statistics tab is also
available for collection.
The High Speed Counters area displays the following information:
In Octets (64 bit)Display s the total number o f 64 bit o ctets rece iv ed b y the MPL S layer on the selected
interface including framing characteristics.
Out Octets (64 bit)Displays the total number of 64 bit octets transmitted by the MPLS layer from the
interface including framing characteristics.
In Unicast P ackets (64 bit)Displays the number of 64 bit packets delivered by this sub-layer to a higher
sub-layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sub-layer.
Out Unicast Packets (64 bit)Displays the t otal numbe r of 64 bit packets th at higher level protocols
requeste d be transmitte d and whic h were not addre ssed to a multic ast or broadc ast address a t this
sub-layer, includin g th ose t hat w ere d iscarde d or no t se nt.

MPLS Performance Statistics Tab

The MPLS Pe rform ance Statis tics tab (s ee Figure 15-8) displays t he Fail ed Lab el Looku ps attrib ute a nd
Incom ing Dire ction and Ou tgoing Directio n area s.