Cisco VISM Installation and Configuration Guide
Release 3.0, Part Number OL-2521-01 Rev. D0, June 2004
Chapter4 Configuring VISM Features
Configuring VISM Features
Configuring a Virtual Circuit Connection IdentifierComplete the following steps to configure a VCCI for the switched AAL2 PVC operating mode:
Step 1 Type the cnfconvcci command, lcn, vcci-num, addr-type, and |fe-addr| argument values, and press Enter
to create a new VCCI with an associated logical channel number and a remote ATM address. Specify the
arguments with the following values:
•lcn: In the range from 131 to 510.
•vcci-num: In the range from 0 to 65535.
•addr-type (address type):
1 = Not applicable
2 = Network service access point (NSAP); a 20-byte hexadecimal address
3 = E.164 public network addressing; a 1- to 15-byte decimal address
4 = Gateway ID; a 1- to 64-byte ASCII character address
5 = Unspecified
•|fe-addr|: The actual remote address
Step 2 Repeat Step 1, as needed, to configure VCCIs on other LCNs.
You have completed configuring VCCIs for the switched AAL2 PVC operating mode. Proceed to the
“Modifying the AAL2 PVC Operating Mode Profile Table” section on page 4-39.
Modifying the AAL2 PVC Operating Mode Profile TableA profile table is associated with each AAL2 operating mode. This profile table specifies the encoding
format, which tells the card how to interpret the packets.
You can use the dspaal2profile command to see the values for a profile type. Example4-1 shows the
default values for ITU profile type 1.
Example4-1 Default Values for ITU Profile 1
nodename.1.28.VISM8.a > dspaal2profile 1 1
UUI Packet Packet Seq. No.
Codepoint Length Time Interval
Range (octets) Codec SID M (ms) (ms)
0-15 40 PCMU No SID 1 5 5
0-15 40 PCMA No SID 1 5 5
Table 4 -4 describes the fields shown in the display.
Table4-4 dspaal2profile Field Descriptions
Field Description
UUI Codepoint Range User-to-user indication.
Packet Length (octets) Packet length for the encoding format.
Codec Type of codec.
SID Silence insertion descriptor.