Cisco VISM Installation and Configuration Guide
Release 3.0, Part Number OL-2521-01 Rev. D0, June 2004
Chapter4 Configuring VISM Features
Configuring VISM Features
Step 3 Type the cnfvismmode command, an oper-mode argument value, and press Enter to configure the VISM
operating mode. Specify the oper-mode argument with one of the following values:
•1 = VoIP switching/VoIP trunking
•2 = AAL2 trunking
•3 = Switched AAL1 SVC
•7 = Switched AAL2 SVC
•8 = Switched AAL2 PVC—this mode is not supported in VISM Release 3.0
•9 = VoIP and Switched ATM AAL1 SVC
You have completed configuring the operating mode for your VISM card. Proceed to the “Allocating
Resources” section on page 4-9.
Allocating ResourcesComplete the following steps to allocate resources—virtual ports, controller resources, and codec
templates—to your VISM card.
Step 1 Type the addport command and press Enter to add a virtual port to your VISM card.
This command adds an ATM por t o n a VISM. There are no arguments for this command. W h en y o u ad d
the ATM port, the bandwidth, VPI range, and VCI range are determined. The VPI range is a single VPI
value, the slot ID. The added port is not detected by the cont ro ller u ntil you c rea te a re sour ce pa rti tio n
(refer to Step 2). The VISM ATM port is pseudo physical.
Step 2 Type the addrscprtn command, the control-id argument value 1, and press Enter to specify the
controller resources.
Note Always specify the control-id argument value as 1.
A port can be controlled by more than one controller (for example PNNI and PAR), but supports only
one controller at a time. VISM can create one resource partition for each controller in a non-overlapping
way. The controller number you specify associates a resource partition to a controller. All resources of
a port are associated with the resource partition yo u spe cify. When you ad d a resour ce part itio n, the
associated controller detects the port as limited by the resource partition.
Step 3 Type the cnfcodectmpl command, a template-num argument value, and press Enter to specify the codec
template used with your VISM card. Specify the template-num argument w ith on e of the f oll owing
•1 = G.711u, G.711a, G.726-16K, G.726-24K, G.726-32K, G.726-40K, G.729a, a nd G.729ab codecs,
and clear channel
Note Template 1 is not supported for the VoIP operating mode.
•2 = G.711u and G.711a uncompressed codecs, and clear channel