Cisco VISM Installation and Configuration Guide
Release 3.0, Part Number OL-2521-01 Rev. D0, June 2004
Chapter5 CLI Commands
cnflntoneplanTo assign a built-in or provisional tone plan to a specified VISM card line, use the cnflntoneplan
command in the VoIP switching/trunking and switched AAL2 PVC operating modes.
cnflntoneplan line-num tonep-region tonep-version
Syntax Description
Command Modes VoIP switching/trunking and switched AAL2 PVC
Usage Guidelines If you are assigning a provisional tone plan to a VISM card line, you must use the addtoneplan
command before you use this command. The command al lows you to assign a new tone plan (overwrite
a previous configuration) to a VISM card line.
Examples The following example shows that the VISM card line 2 is assigned the tone plan identified b y tone p lan
region sing_3 and tone plan version 2:
cnflntoneplan 2 sing_3 2
Related Commands
line-num Line number for which you want to assign a tone plan. In th e range from 1 to 8.
tonep-region Tone plan country or region which you want to assign to a VISM card line. It
can be in the range from 1 to 64 alphanumeric characters and can contain
underscores ( _ ). This value is case sensitive.
tonep-version Tone plan version number of the tone plan country or region you want to assign
to a VISM card line. It can be in the range from 1 to 65535.
Command Description
addtoneplan Adds a tone plan to the current VISM card.
cnflnringback Configures the ringback tone method for a specified line on the current VISM
cnflntonetimeout Modifies the timeout periods of all call progress tones supported by VISM on
a specified VISM card line.
dellntoneplan Deletes the tone plan configuration of a specified VISM card line.
deltoneplan Deletes a previously added tone plan from the current VISM card.
dsplnringback Displays the ringback tone method for a specified line on the current VISM
dsplntoneplan Displays the tone plan configuration of a specified VISM card line.
dsplntonetimeout Displays the configured timeout periods for all call progress tones of a
specified VISM card line.
dsptonebuiltinplans Displays all preconfigured (built-in) tone plans on the current VISM card.
dsptoneplan Displays the tone configuration of a specified tone plan—either a
preconfigured (built-in) or user-added tone plan.