Cisco VISM Installation and Configuration Guide
Release 3.0, Part Number OL-2521-01 Rev. D0, June 2004
Troubleshooting Tips
Use the following troubleshooting tools and techniques to assist you in m ain taining yo ur VISM ca rd:
“VISM Card LEDs” section on page6-1
“VISM and PXM Display, Log, and Diagnostic Loopback Path CLI Commands” section on pa ge 6-2
“VISM Alarms” section on page6-5
“UNIX Snoop Trace Tool” section on page 6-5
“Symptoms and Solutions” section on page6-5


The VISM card uses the following three card status LEDs (see Figure6-1) to indicate certain states:
ACT—Green indicates the active state.
STBY—Orange, or blinking orange, indicates one of the fol lowing:
VISM is in the standby state.
VISM is in the mismatch state.
VISM card DSPs are currently involved in the VISM card bootup.
FAIL—Red indicates the failure state, or certain stages of the bootup process.
The VISM card uses eight line status LEDs (see Figure 6-1) to indicate the following states of the eight
T1 or E1 ports on the VISM back card:
Green—A line has been added and there is no alarm on that line.
Orange—A line has been added and there is a yellow alarm c ond ition o n t he lin e.
Red—A line has been added and there is one of the following c ond ition s on the line:
Loss of signal (LOS) (red alarm condition)
Loss of frame (LOF)
Alarm indication signal (AIS)