Cisco VISM Installation and Configuration Guide
Release 3.0, Part Number OL-2521-01 Rev. D0, June 2004
Chapter5 CLI Commands
cnft38paramsTo configure the T .3 8 fa x tran sfer pa ramet ers f or a sp ecif ied l ine, use the cnft38params co mmand in the
VoIP switching/trunking operating mode.
cnft38params line-num max-xmit-rate |info-fld-size d-pkt -size ls-d ata-red hs-data- red tcf-meth od
err-corr-enable nsf-oride-enable nsf-ccode nsf-vendor|
Syntax Description| line-num Line number of the channel, in the range fr om 1 t o 8.
max-xmit-rate Maximum fax transmission rate (defined in bits per second). It can be one of the
following values:
•1 = 2400
•2 = 4800
•3 = 7200
•4 = 9600
•5 = 12000
•6 = 14400 (Default)
info-fld-size (Optional) Fax information field size (defined in bytes). It can be in the range
from 20 to 48. (Default = 48)
d-pkt-size (Optional) Primary high-speed data packet size (defined in milliseconds). It can
be one of the following values:
•40 (Default)
Note Cisco recommends that you select 30 ms for this argument value;
14400 bps fax transfers with a high speed data packet size higher than
30 ms ma y fail.
ls-data-red (Optional) Extent of the Internet fax protocol (IFP) packet transmission
redundancy for the low-speed control data exchanged during the first ph ase of a
T.38 fax relay connection. It can be in the range from 0 to 5. (Default = 5)
The ls-data-red argument has the following two different meanings, which
depend upon the value of the err-corr-enable argument:
•If the err-corr-enable argument = 1, the ls-data-red argument represents the
maximum number of forward error correction (FEC) messag es within a User
Datagram Protocol (UDP) Transport Layer (TL) (UDPTL) packet carrying
low-speed data.
•If the err-corr-enable argument = 2, the ls-data-red argument represents the
maximum number of prior IFP packets within a UDPTL packet carrying
low-speed data, but does not include the primary IFP packet.
hs-data-red (Optional) Extent of the IFP packet transmission redundancy for the high-speed
control and image data exchanged following the initial low-speed phase of a T .38
fax relay connection. It can be in the range from 0 to 2. (Default = 2)