Cisco VISM Installation and Configuration Guide
Release 3.0, Part Number OL-2521-01 Rev. D0, June 2004
Chapter5 CLI Commands
dspconsTo display channel configuration data for all configured connections on a VISM card, use the dspcons
command in the VoIP switching/trunking, switched AAL2 PVC, and AAL2 trunking operating modes.
Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Modes VoIP switching/trunking, switched AAL2 PVC, and AAL2 trunking
Usage Guidelines Follow standard CLI procedures for this command.
Examples The following example shows that channel configuration data for a ll conn ec tions on th e c urren t VISM
card are displayed:
ConnId ChanNum Status Preference Protection Active Locking
------- ------- ------ ---------- ---------- ------- --------
datamvr2. 135 Add 1 unprotected unknown unlock
datamvr2. 136 Add 1 unprotected unknown unlock
ChanNumNextAvailable: 137
Related Commands Command Description
addcon Adds a PVC connection between a VISM card and any SM or PXM card.
cnfcon Configures a connection between a VISM card and a Cisco MG X 800 0 Ser ies
platform PXM card.
dspcon Displays the parameters for a specified channel.