Cisco VISM Installation and Configuration Guide
Release 3.0, Part Number OL-2521-01 Rev. D0, June 2004
Chapter1 Overview of the VISM and VISM-PR Cards
Software Upgrades
Step4 Download the selected firmware file.
To upgrade all VISM cards, proceed to Step4c. To upgrade an individual VISM card, proceed t o Step4d.
a. tftp <node_name or IP address>
b. bin
c. put <FW file> POPEYE@SM_1_0.FW
d. put <FW file> POPEYE@SM_1_<slot number of card to upgrade>.FW
Note Do not enter two put commands in the same TFTP session.
Step5 Proceed to the “Upgrade VISM/VISM-PR Firmware with PXM1 Card” section on page 1-21 to install
the download.
Upgrade VISM/VISM-PR Firmware with PXM1 CardSoftware Release 3.0 is for VISM and VISM-PR cards. Ensure that the VISM and VISM-PR cards have
the minimum boot code version of vism_8t1e1_VI8_BT_3.1.00.fw.
The following versions of VISM software Release 3.0 are available:
•—without CALEA
•—with CALEA
In this procedure the following conditions apply:
•If two VISM or VISM-PR cards are part of a redundancy group, initially the primary card is in the
active state, and the secondary card is in the standby state.
•Old-rev refers to the firmware, Release 2.2 and prior.
•New-rev refers to the firmware after the upgrade, Release 3.0.
Perform the firmware upgrade on the VISM or VISM-PR cards. Do not re move the VISM car ds and
replace them with VISM-PR cards at this time.
Step1 Log in to the active PXM1 card (slot 7 or 8).
Step2 Save the existing configuration as a contingency plan by entering:
savesmcnf <SM slot#>
This command saves the existing configuration in the C:CNF directory. This file can be used d urin g the
downgrade procedure, if necessary.
Step3 Execute the PXM install command:
install sm <SM slot#> <new-rev>
SM slot# is the slot number of the primary VISM or VISM-PR card and new-rev is the file name of the
new firmware (for example, vism_8t1e1_003.000.000.000.fw).