Cisco VISM Installation and Configuration Guide
Release 3.0, Part Number OL-2521-01 Rev. D0, June 2004
Chapter5 CLI Commands
cnfcacparamsTo configure connection admission control (CAC) features on a card, use the cnfcacparams command
in the VoIP switching/trunking, switched AAL2 PVC, and AAL2 trunking operating modes.
cnfcacparams vad-duty-cycle vad-tol
Syntax Description
Command Modes VoIP switching/trunking, switched AAL2 PVC, and AAL2 trunking
Usage Guidelines Follow standard CLI procedures when using this command.
Examples The following example shows that VAD is configured for a duty cycle of 50 and a toleranc e of 50 0:
cnfcacparams 50 500
Related Commands
vad-duty-cycle VAD duty cycle—the ratio of speech and holdover duration to total duration
expressed as a percentage. Holdover is the per iod afte r silence begi ns and sile nce
suppression is turned on. In VISM, the holdover time is 250 ms. A typical value
for this parameter is 61, which means that 61% of the time is taken by spee ch and
holdover. It can be in the range from 1 to 99. (Default = 61)
vad-tol VAD tolerance—the expression for VAD “over-subscription drop ratio” where:
tolerance = 10000 x over-subscription drop ratio (expressed as a percentage). A
typical value for VAD tolerance is 10. Some examples are:
•10000 (tolerance) = 1% (over subscription drop ratio)
•100 = 0.01%
•10 = 0.001%
•1 = 0.0001%
It can be in the range from 0 to 10000. (Default = 100)
Command Description
cnfcac Enables or disables the CAC feature on a VISM card