Cisco VISM Installation and Configuration Guide
Release 3.0, Part Number OL-2521-01 Rev. D0, June 2004
Configuring VISM FeaturesThe command line interface (CLI) is a DOS-like interface used to configure VISM cards. This chapter
describes the following:
•“Using the Command Line Interface” section on page 4-1
•“Connecting to Cisco MGX 8000 Series Platforms” section on page 4-2
•“Configuring VISM Features” section on page 4-6
Using the Command Line Interface
CLI commands may be followed by a string of required or optional a rgument ide nti fiers and argume nt
values. The entire string, from the command to the last ar gument v alue, is re ferred to as a com mand line .
Spaces are used to separate all elements in a command line. Type th e command, an y ne cessary ar gu ment
identifiers and argument values, then press Enter.
Note You must press the Enter key at the end of all CLI command lines to complete the command.
For example, the Add Endpoint command, addendpt, adds an endpoint to VISM and has three req uired
arguments. An endpoint defines one end of a connection. The addendpt command format is as follows:
addendpt endpt-num ds1-num ds0-num
When you type a command, use argument values to represent the arguments. For example, to add an
endpoint with number 10 on DS1 number 4 an d DS 0 nu mb er 3, t h e co mm an d l ine i s as fo llows:
addendpt 10 4 3
Some commands require you to type an argument identifier before the argument value. For example, the
Clear Alarm command, clralm, requires you to enter an iden tifier, -ds1, before the argument value. The
clralm command format is as follows:
clralm -ds1 line-num
To clear alarms on line 4, the command line is as follows:
clralm -ds1 4