Cisco VISM Installation and Configuration Guide
Release 3.0, Part Number OL-2521-01 Rev. D0, June 2004
Chapter5 CLI Commands
To configure a specified connection up, allo w ing traffic to be passed to the specified connection, use the
upcon command in the VoIP switching/trunking, switched AAL1 SVC, switc hed A AL2 SVC, sw itch ed
AAL2 PVC, AAL2 trunking, VoIP and switched ATM AAL1 SVC operating modes.
upcon lcn
Syntax Description
Command Modes VoIP switching/trunking, switched AAL1 SVC, switched AAL2 SVC, switched AAL2 PVC, AAL2
trunking, VoIP and switched ATM AAL1 SVC
Usage Guidelines When a channel is brought up from down with the upcon command, a vismChanConUp trap is sent.
Examples The following example shows that connection 189 is configured to be administratively up and traffic can
be passed to it:
upcon 189
Related Commands
lcn The logical channel number. It can be in the range from 131 to 5 10.
Command Description
dncon Configures a specified connection down, preventing traffic from being passed to it.
dspcon Displays the parameters for a specified channel.