Cisco VISM Installation and Configuration Guide
Release 3.0, Part Number OL-2521-01 Rev. D0, June 2004
Chapter4 Configuring VISM Features
Configuring Additional VISM Features
The G.723.1 codec, used in combination with the VISM-PR card , sup por ts 14 4 ch ann els. R ef er t o
Table 4 -3 for a description of VISM-PR DS0 density when the cards are used in combina tion with
supported codecs.
Several CLI commands have been modified to allow you to use the G.723.1 codec and template
number 4.
Note The G.723.1 codecs are not supported for VISM cards.
Announcement File System
This release allows VISM to play prerecorded local announce ment s in sw it ched VoIP connections.
Under the control of a call agent, announcements can be played toward any IP endpoint or toward any
VISM endpoint.
Up to 125 different announcements may be cached on the VI SM card for immediate playout. A persistent
announcement storage area exists in the packet n etwo rk. Ann oun ce me nts ar e downlo ad ed on dem an d
from the announcement storage area and remain on the VISM card until they hav e rea ch ed expiry or are
replaced. If the 125 announcement maximum is reached, subsequent re quests for announcements not on
the VISM card result in the replacement of “cached” announcements.
Announcements can be played over established connections in any VISM supported co dec, but they must
exist on the announcement file server in the desired encoding.
Note You must play announcements in the exact codec in which they have been recorded.
VISM announcements require the support of the MGCP 0.1/1.0 call age nt.

Announcement Timeouts

VISM uses a provisionable timeout value of 5 seconds. If an announcement ca nnot start playing within
the timeout value of receiving the request, the action is canceled and, if requested by the call agent, an
“of” event is reported. If the call agent specifies a timeout value in the request, this va lue will be igno red.

Announcement Direction

Announcements can be played toward the packet network or toward the T DM ne twork (n ot b ot h). The
direction is determined by the notation of the MGCP S: line. Announcement direction examples:
S: a/ann(all-lines-busy.au)
Explanation Indicates that all-lines-busy.au is to be played toward the TDM network.
S: a/ann@connid(all-lines-busy.au)
Explanation Indicates that all-lines-busy.au is to be played toward the packet network.