Cisco VISM Installation and Configuration Guide
Release 3.0, Part Number OL-2521-01 Rev. D0, June 2004
Chapter5 CLI Commands
To configure the VISM wait time (dial delay) for outpulsing digits to the PBX after sending an off-hook
event, use the cnfcasdialdelay command in the VoIP switching/trunking and switched AAL2 PVC
operating modes.
cnfcasdialdelay endpt-num dial-delay
Syntax Description
Command Modes VoIP switching/trunking and switched AAL2 PVC
Usage Guidelines You can execute this command if the following conditions are met:
The endpoint represented by the endpt-num argument value has been previously added.
The associated DS0 is configured for CAS.
The protocol is immediate start.
The MIB was chosen as the source in the cnfcasparamsource command.
Examples The following example shows that endpoint 100 is configured wit h a di al del ay ( wait tim e) of 5 0 m s:
cnfcasdialdelay 100 50
endpt-num The endpoint number to which the outpulsing digits wait time is configured. It can be
a value from one of the following ranges:
For template number 1:
For VISM, from 1 to 145
For VISM-PR T1, from 1 to 192
For VISM-PR E1, from 1 to 248
For template number 2:
For VISM T1, from 1 to 192
For VISM E1, from 1 to 248
For template number 3:
For VISM, from 1 to 120
For VISM-PR T1, from 1 to 192
For VISM-PR E1, from 1 to 248
For template number 4:
For VISM-PR, from 1 to 144
dial-delay The wait time (defined in milliseconds) for outpulsing digits to the PBX after sending
an off-hook event. It can be in the range from 10 to 1000. (Defaul t = 50 0)