Cisco VISM Installation and Configuration Guide
Release 3.0, Part Number OL-2521-01 Rev. D0, June 2004
Chapter5 CLI Commands
To display previously configured Simple Gateway Control Protocol (SGCP)/Media Gateway Control
Protocol (MGCP) timeout and retransmission count values, use the dspxgcpcnf command in the VoIP
switching/trunking operating mode.
Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Modes VoIP switching/trunking
Usage Guidelines Follow standard CLI procedures for this command.
Examples The following example shows that the SGCP/MGCP timeou t and ret ransm iss ion count values are
MWD timeout : 10000
Request timeout : 500
Retry count: 3
Related Commands Command Description
cnfxgcpmwd Configures the maximum waiting delay value used for sending an RSIP message to
the call agent.
cnfxgcpretry Configures VISM minimum and maximum request timeouts and retransmission
attempts for communication with the associated call agent.