Cisco VISM Installation and Configuration Guide
Release 3.0, Part Number OL-2521-01 Rev. D0, June 2004
Chapter4 Configuring VISM Features
Configuring VISM Features
3. Configure gateway control protocols.
4. Configure ISDN PRI backhaul (optional).
Configuring Domain Names and IP Addresses
Complete the following steps to configure domain names and IP addresses for VISM cards and call
Step 1 Type the cnfvismdn command, the domain-name argument value, and press Enter to specify a domain
name for a VISM card. Specify the domain-name argument with the following value:
A text string of up to 64 alphanumeric characters; spaces are not allowed. Default = cisco.com.
Note You must use the domain-name argument value you entered for Step 1 when configuring
the call agent(s) domain-name argument in Step 3.
Step 2 Type the cnfvismip command, vip-addr, netmask, |bearer-ipaddr|, and |bearer-netmask| argument
values, and press Enter to specify an IP address and a subnet mask for your VISM card. Specify the
arguments with the following values:
vip-addr: Type the IP address of your VISM card in dotted decimal format—nn n. nnn.nn n.n nn
netmask (local network mask): Type
|bearer-ipaddr| (optional): Bearer IP address in dotted decimal f orm at: nnn. nn n.n nn.nnn
|bearer-netmask| (optional): Bearer IP subnet mask in dotted decim al for mat: nn n.n nn.nnn .n nn
Step 3 Type the cnftftpdn command, the domain-name argument value, and press Enter to set up the domain
names and IP addresses for the call agent(s). The domain na me c an be a t ext stri ng of 1 to 64
alphanumeric characters.
Step 4 Repeat Step 1 through Step 3 to configure your remaining VISM cards and call agents.
You have completed configuring domain names and IP addresses for VISM cards and call agents.
Proceed to the “Setting Up Call Agents and Protocols” section on page 4-45.
Setting Up Call Agents and Protocols
Complete the following steps to set up call agents and media gateway control protocols:
Step 1 Type the adddn command, the domain-num, domain-name, and |resol-type| argument values, and press
Enter to add a domain name for a call agent. Specify the arguments with the following values:
domain-num: A domain number used to identify the domain in the range 1 to 11.
domain-name (call agent name): A text string of 1 to 64 alphanumeric characters.
|resol-type| (the optional resolution type to configure for the specified domain name):
1 = Internal only
2 = External only
3 = Internal first