Cisco VISM Installation and Configuration Guide
Release 3.0, Part Number OL-2521-01 Rev. D0, June 2004
Chapter5 CLI Commands
To configure the time that a nonpermanent announcement is to remain valid af ter it is pl ac ed i nto t he
VISM announcement cache, use the cnfannagetime command in the VoIP switching operating mode.
cnfannagetime nonpann-age-time
Syntax Description
Command Modes VoIP switching
Usage Guidelines When a nonpermanent announcement enters the announcement cache, it remains valid, as is, until the
time you select for the nonpann-age-time argument value expires. When the time expires, the
nonpermanent announcement is refreshed from the anno unc e ment file se rver. Requests to pl ay a
nonpermanent announcement do not affect its age time or cause the file to be r efre she d.
Examples The following example shows that nonpermanent announce ment s ar e co nfigur ed t o expire two hou rs
after being placed into the VISM announcement cache:
cnfannagetime 120
Related Commands
nonpann-age-time Nonpermanent announcement age time (defined in minutes). It can be in the
range from 0 to 65535.
Note 0 = Infinite amount of time; the nonpermanent announcement remains
valid until you replace it, if necessary.
Command Description
addannpermanent Configures an announcement server file and associated codec type as
cnfanndn Designates an announcement file server domain name.
cnfannpathprefix Designates the main prefix directory TFTP path from which to retrieve
announcement files from the announcement file server.
cnfannprefcodec Configures the codec type used for announcements played on unc onnec ted
TDM endpoints.
cnfannreqtimeout Configures the expiration time for announcements to begin playing af ter t he
VISM receives the announcement signal (request) from the call agent.
delannalldynamic Deletes all announcement files and their associated codec types from the
temporary announcement files currently saved in the VISM card.
delanndynamic Deletes an announcement file and associated codec type from the temporary
announcement files currently saved in the VISM card.
delannpermanent Deletes a permanent announcement file and its associated codec type from the
announcement file server.
dspannagetime Displays the time that a nonpermanent announcement is to remain valid after
it is placed into the VISM announcement cache.