Cisco VISM Installation and Configuration Guide
Release 3.0, Part Number OL-2521-01 Rev. D0, June 2004
Chapter5 CLI Commands
addannpermanentTo configure an announcement server file and associated codec type as permanent, use the
addannpermanent command in the VoIP switching operating mode.
addannpermanent ann-index ann-filename ann-codec-type
Syntax Description
Command Modes VoIP switching
Usage Guidelines The G.723.1 codecs are supported for VISM-PR cards and are not supported for VISM cards.
Examples The following example shows that index server number 19 is configured with the fe malezero1 f ile i n the
G.726-40K codec:
addannpermanent 19 femalezero1 9
ann-index Announcement file server index number which you assign to ident ify a
permanent announcement server file. It can be in the range from 1 to 12 5.
ann-filename Announcement filename. It can be from 1 to 64 alphanumeric ch ar ac te rs,
including the following symbols—period (.), forward slash (/), unde rscore
(_), and hyphen (-).
ann-codec-type Announcement filename associated codec. It can be one of the following
•1 = G.711u
•2 = G.711a
•3 = G.726-32k
•4 = G.729a
•5 = G.729ab
•7 = G.726-16k
•8 = G.726-24k
•9 = G.726-40k
•11 = G.723-H
•12 = G.723.1a-H
•13 = G.723.1-L
•14 = G.723.1a-L