Cisco VISM Installation and Configuration Guide
Release 3.0, Part Number OL-2521-01 Rev. D0, June 2004
Chapter5 CLI Commands
cnfcasflashtimeTo configure the minimum and maximum channel associated signaling (CAS) on-hook time periods for
incoming flash hooks on a specified endpoint, use the cnfcasflashtime command in the VoIP
switching/trunking, switched AAL2 PVC, and AAL2 trunking operating modes.
cnfcasflashtime endpt-num min-flash-time max-flash-time
Syntax Description
Command Modes VoIP switching/trunking, switched AAL2 PVC, and AAL2 trunking
Usage Guidelines Use this command to allow VISM to distinguish flash hooks from disconnects by configuring the
on-hook flash duration. An on-hook event with a duration that falls in the configured range is interp reted
as a flash hook. An on-hook event with a duration shorter than the con figured ra nge is igno re d. A n
on-hook event longer than the configured range is interpreted as a disconnect.
Examples The following example shows that endpoint number 90 is configured w it h a 400 -ms m inim um CA S
on-hook flash time and a 1000-ms maximum CAS on-hook flash time :
cnfcasflashtime 90 400 1000
endpt-num The endpoint number which is to be configured with a minimum and maximum
flash time. It can be a value from one of the following ranges:
•For template number 1:
For VISM, from 1 to 145
For VISM-PR T1, from 1 to 192
For VISM-PR E1, from 1 to 248
•For template number 2:
For VISM T1, from 1 to 192
For VISM E1, from 1 to 248
•For template number 3:
For VISM, from 1 to 120
For VISM-PR T1, from 1 to 192
For VISM-PR E1, from 1 to 248
•For template number 4:
For VISM-PR, from 1 to 144
min-flash-time The minimum flash time (defined in milliseconds); in the range from 50 to
1550. (Default = 300)
max-flash-time The maximum flash time (defined in milliseconds); in the range from 50 to
1550. (Default = 1400)