Cisco VISM Installation and Configuration Guide
Release 3.0, Part Number OL-2521-01 Rev. D0, June 2004
Chapter5 CLI Commands
dspalmcnfTo display the threshold data about the alarm statistics being collected, use the dspalmcnf command in
the VoIP switching/trunking, switched AAL2 PVC, and AAL2 trunking operating modes.
dspalmcnf -ds1 line-num
Syntax Description
Command Modes VoIP switching/trunking, switched AAL2 PVC, and AAL2 trunking
Usage Guidelines Follow standard CLI procedures for this command.
Examples The following example shows that the alarm statistic threshold data for line 1 is displayed:
dspalmcnf -ds1 1
LineNum: 1
RedSeverity: Major
RAISeverity: Minor
NEAlarmUpCount: 6
NEAlarmDnCount: 1
NEAlarmThreshold: 1500
FEAlarmUpCount: 6
FEAlarmDnCount: 1
FEAlarmThreshold: 1500
StatisticalAlarmSeverity: Minor
lCV15minThreshold: 14
lCV24hrThreshold: 134
lES15minThreshold: 12
lES24hrThreshold: 121
lSES15minThreshold: 10
lSES24hrThreshold: 100
cRC15minThreshold: 14
cRC24hrThreshold: 134
cRCES15minThreshold: 12
cRCES24hrThreshold: 121
cRCSES15minThreshold: 10
cRCSES24hrThreshold: 100
SEFS15minThreshold: 2
SEFS24hrThreshold: 17
AISS15minThreshold: 2
AISS24hrThreshold: 17
UAS15minThreshold: 10
-ds1 The mandatory line-num argument identifier.
line-num Line number of the T1 or E1 line for which you want to di spla y al arm st at istic
threshold data. It can be in the range from 1 to 8.