Cisco VISM Installation and Configuration Guide
Release 3.0, Part Number OL-2521-01 Rev. D0, June 2004
Chapter4 Configuring VISM Features
Configuring VISM Features
Step 7 Type the cnfsrcppeergrpparam command, the mgc-group, hbeat-int, and max-udp-size argument
values, and press Enter to configure the SRCP heartbeat interval and maximum UDP size for a specified
call agent redundancy group. Specify the arguments with the following values:
mgc-group (call agent redundancy group): In the range from 1 to 8
hbeat-int (interval between heartbeats; defined in milliseconds):
In the range from 100 to 65535.
max-udp-size (maximum allowable UDP size): In the range from 4095 to 655 35.
Step 8 Type the cnfsrcpretry command, srcp-min-tout, max-srcp-retries, and srcp-max-tout argument values,
and press Enter to configure the minimum and maximum timeout periods, and retry attempts, for
transmitting SRCP commands to the call agent. Specify the arguments with the following values:
srcp-min-tout (defined in milliseconds): In the range from 1 to 10000 (default = 500).
max-srcp-retries: In the range from 1 to 10.
srcp-max-tout: In the range from 1 to 10000 (default = 500).
Step 9 Type the cnfco4timer command, a co4-timeout argument value, and press Enter to configure CO4
bearer continuity. Specify the argument with the following value:
co4-timeout (defined in milliseconds): In the range from 50 to 10000 (default = 1000).
You have completed configuring gateway control protocols. Proceed to the “Configuring ISDN PRI
Backhaul” section on page 4-49 if necessary.
Configuring ISDN PRI Backhaul
ISDN PRI backhaul configuration consists of setting up RUDP session structures:
Session sets
Session groups
A session group applies to a specified call agent and allows automatic switching to another session in
the group if an active session fails. You can configure individual sessions when you have completed
setting up the session sets and session groups. Refer to Chapter 3, “VISM Functional Description,” for
more information on session structures.
Note Use the commands in this section only if backhauling of ISDN PRI signaling to the call agent is
required for your application.