Issue | Resolution |
The model name for the device appears to be a much longer | HP Web Jetadmin relies on hrDeviceDescr to display the model |
name than the true name of the device. | name. Properly truncated model names are generally provided in |
| proprietary objects. HP Web Jetadmin does not know how to |
| truncate a response to hrDeveiceDescr if it contains too many |
| characters. For example, if a Lexmark printer responds with |
| Lexmark X652de 7932M8R LJ.MN.P092, HP Web Jetadmin does |
| not know where to truncate the string. |
No consumable gauges are present for items such as toner and fuser.
A device must answer prtMarkerSuppliesDescription correctly, otherwise HP Web Jetadmin does not know that the consumable exists and cannot display a gauge.
Task Modules for Discovery
●Discovery - Current Tasks and Common Tasks Task Modules
●Discovery - Summary Task Module
●Discovery - Active Discoveries Task Module
●Discovery - Scheduled Discoveries Task Module
●Discovery - Templates Task Module
●Discovery - Quick Monitor Task Module
The following task modules can be displayed or hidden in Discovery.
Discovery - Current Tasks and Common Tasks Task Modules
The Discovery - Current Tasks task module can be displayed on the Discovery page and includes the following tasks:
●Discover Devices (the Device Discovery Wizard) on page 149
●Schedule a Discovery on page 151
●Create a Discovery Template on page 154
●Apply (or Run) a Discovery Template on page 155
●Edit a Discovery Template on page 156
●Delete a Discovery Template on page 157
●Copy Template Wizard on page 85
The Discovery - Current Tasks task module can be displayed in other areas of HP Web Jetadmin; in the other areas it is called Discovery - Common Tasks.
Discovery - Summary Task Module
The Discovery - Summary task module gives you the date and time of the last discovery. You can:
●Discovery History on page 153.
●Discover Devices (the Device Discovery Wizard) on page 149.
Discovery - Active Discoveries Task Module
The Discovery - Active Discoveries task module shows you any discoveries currently running. You can:
146 Chapter 3 Device Management | ENWW |