Day 7: 5 | Day 14: 3 |
Total = 27
Complex reporting features exist and facilitate much more than simple counts. Data collected over time and reported in some interval is the general basis for most reporting features.
Task Modules for Reports
●Reports - Current Tasks and Report Management - Common Tasks Task Modules
●Reports - Report Templates Task Module
●Reports - Archived Reports Task Module
●Reports - Data Collection - Management Task Module
●Reports - Data Collection - Templates Task Module
●Reports - Scheduled Reports Task Module
●Reports - Report Generation Task Module
The following task modules can be displayed or hidden in Reports on the Reports page, on the Data Collection page, and on the Report Generation page.
Reports - Current Tasks and Report Management - Common Tasks Task Modules
The Reports - Current Tasks task module can be displayed on the Reports page and includes the following tasks:
●Getting Started with Reports on page 209: provides introductory information and links that explain the two main steps required to produce reports and enables you to actually request and run a report.
●Add Devices to Data Collection on page 211: also listed on the Data Collection on page 209 menu and on the Reports - Data Collection - Management Task Module on page 203; this is the first required step in producing a report. It enables you to select the type of data to collect from devices and also specify which devices to collect the data from. (After you enable reporting, you must select Generate Reports on page 222.)
●Remove Devices from Data Collection on page 213: also listed on the Data Collection on page 209 menu and on the Reports - Data Collection - Management Task Module on page 203; enables you to exclude previously selected devices from data collection.
●Generate Reports on page 222: also listed on the Report Generation on page 221 menu and on the Report Generation - Common Tasks Task Module on page 222; the second required step in producing a report; after you have started collecting data for reports, you are ready to generate the report.
●Schedule a Report on page 234: also listed on the Report Generation on page 221 menu and on the Reports - Current Tasks and Report Management - Common Tasks Task Modules on page 202; request the report to be produced at a specific time.
●View Archived Reports on page 244: also listed on the Report Generation on page 221 menu and on the Reports - Archived Reports Task Module on page 203; review reports that have been produced and archived.
202 Chapter 3 Device Management | ENWW |