◦SNMPv1 timeout value: Specify how long HP Web Jetadmin waits for a reply from a network query that is sent to SNMPv1 devices. The default is 500 ms.
◦SNMPv3 timeout value: Specify how long HP Web Jetadmin waits for a reply from a network query that is sent to SNMPv3 devices. The default is 1000 ms.
◦SNMP retries: Specify how many times HP Web Jetadmin retries an SNMP communication with devices after a timeout occurs. The default is 3.
●Configure the DNS Settings on page 40 (Enable DNS lookups): Forces HP Web Jetadmin to query name services for each device discovered. This setting is sometimes disabled in environments where DNS responses are slow or are not functioning. (The default is on.)
●Manage the IP Ranges for Discoveries on page 42: Global store for IP Range settings used by network device discovery,
●Shared Configuration Options for Credentials on page 45: In some cases, credentials like Manage the Global SNMPv1 Get Community Names on page 48 or Manage the Global SNMPv3 Credentials
on page 49 are being used. Use Credentials to set well known device credentials. These will be tried during discovery when devices don’t respond to queries that use default credentials.
Discover Devices (the Device Discovery Wizard)
●Discover Devices
●Steps to Discover Devices
●Other Ways to Discover Devices
Discover Devices launches the HP Web Jetadmin Device Discovery wizard. This wizard is used to launch or schedule any type of active discovery method. The wizard ends with a Results page that can be monitored or hidden.
Discover Devices
The Results page displays progress for the different portions of a discovery. This can make it easy to determine which method is currently executing or whether
●Progress: Shows a throbber graphic and percentage complete, or it shows that the discovery is complete.
●Started by: Shows the user that initiated the discovery.
●Progress (estimated): Shows an overall estimated percentage.
●Current method: States the current method executing (IP Range, and so forth).
●Nodes found: Shows a count of nodes responding so far.
●Nodes resolved: Shows the number of nodes being resolved.
●Devices found (this discovery): Shows a count of nodes that are qualified devices (network or PC- Connected).
●New devices (this discovery): Shows a count of devices that are new since last discovery.
ENWW | Discovery 149 |