Preferences for lists (in Device Lists on page 91 and Groups on page 109) lets you manage data displayed in those lists. The top menu bar changes depending on the application view, presence of
Device Filters
You can select which device lists or filters are displayed in the left navigation pane.
To configure device filters, perform the following steps:
1.From the top menu bar, select View > Preferences > Device Filters. The Preferences page is displayed with fields for device filters.
2.To display device filters in the left navigation pane under All Devices, move the filters from Available filters to Selected filters.
To remove filters from the left navigation pane, select them in Selected filters and move them to Available filters.
3.To save these settings and continue setting other options, click Apply. Then click the next option to configure in the left menu bar. To save these settings and close this window, click OK.
Device Identification
Individual users can customize device tools to reflect only the device information that is most important to them. Space on device lists can be limited, so you should carefully choose the columns to be displayed. You can select columns to identify the devices on the Select Devices page, on the device list pages in Device Lists (Device Lists on page 91) and in Device Groups (Groups on page 109) and in the Status tab (Status Tab
on page 73).
To configure how devices are identified, perform the following steps:
1.From the top menu bar, select View > Preferences > Device Identification. The Preferences page is displayed with fields for device identification.
2.To display fields as columns on device lists throughout HP Web Jetadmin, move them from Available fields to Selected fields.
To remove columns from device lists, move the fields from Selected Fields to Available Fields.
3.To save these settings and continue setting other options, click Apply. Then click the next option to configure in the left menu bar. To save these settings and close this window, click OK.
Application Logging
In HP Web Jetadmin, you can view a log of all transactions that have occurred. The log includes the user, the transaction and its details, and when the transaction occurred. To set the time for application log data to be saved, see Configure the Settings for the Application Log on page 51.
At the top of the log page, you can display log entries that occurred during a start and ending time frame if desired. You can also refresh the log.
Columns on the Application Log include:
●Action Details: describes the action that occurred.
●Details: shows details about the action.
●Triggered by: how the task was triggered, such as User, Group Policy, or Scheduled Template.
26 Chapter 2 Introduction to HP Web Jetadmin | ENWW |