1.In the Device Management navigation pane,
2.In the Name box, enter the search criteria. You can use the following special characters in the search criteria:
●*: Matches the preceding character zero or more times. For example, if you specify zo*, group names that contain z, zo, or zoo are considered a match.
●?: Matches the preceding character zero or one time. For example, if you specify a?ve?, group names that contain v or ve are considered a match.
You can use these special characters together to specify the following searches:
●*?: Repeats the search criteria any number of times, but as few times as possible.
●??: Repeats the search criteria zero or one time, but as few times as possible.
All other characters are treated as normal characters.
3.Click the Search button. A list of all the groups that meet the search criteria appears.
4.Select the group that you want to display, and then click the OK button.
●All About Device Discovery
●Task Modules for Discovery
●Related Application Options for Discovery
●Discover Devices (the Device Discovery Wizard)
●Schedule a Discovery
●Discovery History
●Discovery Templates
All About Device Discovery
●Discovering Devices with HP Web Jetadmin through Firewalls
●Discovery Types and Methods
Discovery features enable HP Web Jetadmin to find devices and then add them to the HP Web Jetadmin device lists. You might have information about the network that can be used in HP Web Jetadmin discovery settings, but some discovery features enable you to search for devices without networking details.
A powerful discovery engine exists within HP Web Jetadmin enabling you to locate most devices on both small and large networks. HP Web Jetadmin includes a new discovery for printers located in Active Directories (Active Directory Discovery on page 138). Scheduling and discovery templates allow you to tailor
HP Web Jetadmin features to any topology or geographically deployed printer fleet. (See also Schedule a Discovery on page 151 and Create a Discovery Template on page 154.)
Discovery features in HP Web Jetadmin include:
●Active Directory Discovery on page 138.
●Import and Export Features of IP Range Files on page 134.
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