paper out or toner low, can trigger email messages to be sent by HP Web Jetadmin that contain detailed information pertaining to the condition, allowing the recipient to act upon that condition immediately
The advantage of alerts is that you can receive proactive,
To ensure this feature works properly, see System Requirements on page 1.
Alerts and HP Web Jetadmin
As in earlier releases of HP Web Jetadmin, proactive alerting is accomplished through detection of an event based on a device, processing to determine the appropriate action to take, and then notification through some method (usually email). The initial detection of device based events is done in one of two ways:
●Polling devices: Always used for Supplies and for Critical alert types. Supplies alerts are polled in adaptive intervals, based on the rate of use.
Critical Alerts are polled at the rate designated in Tools > Options > Device Management > Device Polling > Alerts.
●Traps: Packets sent to HP Web Jetadmin to signal an event. When the device is first established in HP Web Jetadmin Alerts, the trap destination (the application’s IP address) is configured onto the device.
The following Alerts features have been added to HP Web Jetadmin:
●Intuitive, easy to use Alerts settings interface
●Multiple subscription control
●Alerts subscription templates
●Supplies alerting
●Backup polling
●Adaptive polling (supplies)
●Alerts history interface
What You Can Do With Alerts
You can use Alerts to have immediate or
In HP Web Jetadmin, you actually subscribe to Alerts to get information about devices. When you subscribe to an Alert, you are requesting information from a device (or devices) about specific settings on that device (or devices) including events, email address notification, and more. (See Create Alert Subscriptions
on page 180.)
Types of Alerts
There are three types of Alerts:
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