4.In the Retention time box, specify the number of years that the report data is retained. The default is 1.
5.Click the Apply button.
Shared Configuration Options for Credentials
●All About Credentials
●Clear the Credentials
●Manage the Global SNMPv1 Get Community Names
●Manage the Global SNMPv1 Set Community Names
●Manage the Global SNMPv3 Credentials
●Manage the Global EWS Passwords
●Manage the Global File System Passwords
●Manage the Domain Credentials
All About Credentials
●Credentials Store
●Credentials Delegation
●Credentials Needed
●What happened to the HP Jetdirect Device Password?
●Restricting Configuration by Device Group
HP Web Jetadmin can configure many devices simultaneously. This saves device administrators from having to contact every device separately for the purpose of assigning configuration items like passwords and other credentials. Many environments have password policies that make the device administrator have to reconfigure security credentials periodically. The power of HP Web Jetadmin fleet management lends itself to configuration of many devices simultaneously.
Credentials Store
The concept of a Credentials Store is not new to HP Web Jetadmin. Older versions of HP Web Jetadmin stored credentials onto the devices as they were used and configured. This feature keeps HP Web Jetadmin users from having to provide a credential every time a device is configured that requires one.
The Credentials Store is a portion of the HP Web Jetadmin database that securely encrypts and stores device credentials when ever a correct credential value is authenticated at the device. These values are stored on a per credential and per device basis.
Here is a list of HP device credentials used by HP Web Jetadmin:
●EWS Password: Blocks unauthorized access to the
●File System Password: Protects the printer disk and other storage facilities from unauthorized access.
●SNMPv3 Credentials: Consists of user name, passphrase1, and passphrase2 which are all used when SNMPv3 is enabled. This version of SNMP secures and authenticates communication between management applications like HP Web Jetadmin and the device. This protocol is used when strong security is required.
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