5.After you have defined the report format, click Next. The Specify destination options page is displayed.
6.For information about completing the Specify destination options page and others in the Generate Report wizard, see Steps to Generate a Report on page 223 and go to Step 5.
Device Utilization Report Settings
Following are steps to complete the Specify report settings page for the Device Utilization report in the Generate Report wizard.
1.In the Formatting (General) section:
●Select the subtype for this report.
●Select how to group the data. Each group will be a separate section of the report. You can also select a primary and a secondary sort. To have the data sorted in ascending order, select Ascending.
An example of this is Device Model. If chosen, HP Web Jetadmin groups all of the same device models next to each other in the report.
●Select how to sort the data. Data within each group (as specified above) will be sorted this way. You can also select a primary and a secondary sort. To have the data sorted in ascending order, select Ascending.
An example is IP Address: when chosen, HP Web Jetadmin orders the devices within the report by their IP addresses. Of course, the ordering occurs within the Group by subsets.
●Select the Report Interval (Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or None).
●To include totals for any specific column, select Show totals.
●To exclude any device that has no data collected for it, select Exclude devices with no collected data.
2.In the Formatting (Detailed) section (only applicable for the Job Type (Details) subtype), select whether or not to show all media sizes.
●To show all media sizes, click Show all media sizes.
●To show only some media sizes, leave Show all media sizes unchecked. Then select the media sizes to show from Available media sizes. and click the arrow buttons between the two lists to move them to Selected media sizes.
3.In the Date range section:
●Previous time period:
This option lets you request data from a specified number of previous days, weeks, months, and years. TO base this from today, select From today; for example, if today is April 4, then previous month would be March 4 to April 4. If you request for the last month, that would be April 1 to April 30.
NOTE: This option is not available if you are scheduling this report for a later time.
●Previous quarter: This option lets you request data based on company quarters.
●Custom range: To specify a custom date range, specify the date range for the data to be included on the report.
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