●Enable Color: All color jobs will print in color.
●Disable Color: All color jobs will print in black.
●Color permissions: Requires the device to check the permissions defined for the user (up to 50) and the application to determine if the job can be printed in color. If either the user or the application has
NOTE: If you select this option, be sure to set the user and application permissions to control access to color printing features.
2.If you selected Color permissions, you can now restrict color user permissions.
●To specify the default user permission, select an option from Color permission.
●To look up a user, click Locate Name. You can search for users by object or location.
●To add a user to the permissions list, type the name of the user in System User Name and then select a permission from Permission.
NOTE: This list can contain up to 50 users.
●To edit the permissions for a user on the list, click on the user name in the list and then select a permission from Permission.
●To delete a user from Permissions, select a user name entry on the list by clicking on it and then click Delete.
●To import a permissions configuration file, click Browse and search for a configuration file to import.
NOTE: The file is imported when the changes to the device(s) are saved.
3.You can also specify the default application permission.
●To add an application to the permissions list, type the name of the application in Technical Application Name and then select a permission from Permission.
NOTE: This list can contain up to ten applications.
●To edit the permissions for an application on the list, click on the application name entry and select a permission from Permission.
●To delete an application from the permissions list, click on an application name entry on the list.
●To import a permissions configuration file, click Browse and search for a configuration file to import.
NOTE: The file is imported when the changes to the device(s) are saved.
Color Access Control Level
Use this option to specify whether to allow jobs to print in color. The On setting allows all color jobs to print in color. The Custom access control setting requires the device to check the permissions defined for the user and the application to determine whether each job will be printed in color or not. If either the user or the application has
The driver used for printing must be an HP print driver because the printer relies on the print driver to tell it who is printing and from which application. The print drivers that ship with Microsoft Windows do not support this functionality.
ENWW | Device Configuration Options for Security 357 |