configuration options specified in the template to the device and displays Not Supported for those configuration options on the Results page.
To determine if a device model or network card supports the configuration options specified in the template, edit the template. For instructions, see Edit a Configuration Template on page 172. For each configuration option in the template, hold the cursor over the configuration option title. A list of device models and network cards that support that configuration option appears.
Steps to Apply a Configuration Template to Devices
1.In the left navigation pane, click Configuration. In the Configuration - Common Tasks task module, select Apply configuration template to devices. The Apply Device Configuration Template wizard is started with the Specify configuration options page displayed.
2.Select the configuration template from the
3.If you want to schedule this configuration to run at a later time, select Schedule configuration. Click Next; the Select devices page is displayed.
NOTE: If you schedule a task (for example, a discovery or a configuration or others) using a corresponding template, the task uses the settings defined in the template at the time the task starts. This makes it easy to redefine settings used in a regularly scheduled task without having to delete and create a scheduled task.
NOTE: All schedules use the date and time on the server where HP Web Jetadmin is installed. The client used to access HP Web Jetadmin might not be in the same time zone as the server where HP Web Jetadmin is installed. You should be aware of the potential for time and date differences when configuring schedules.
NOTE: Scheduled tasks are displayed in the Scheduled Tasks task module on the Device, Discovery, Configuration, Firmware, Reports, Storage, Solutions, and Application Management pages. You can also display any task module on the Overview page.
4.Select the device by highlighting it and clicking the arrow buttons between the two lists. To select multiple devices, use either Ctrl+Click or Shift+Click. To move all devices from one list to the other, use the double arrow buttons. You can sort the list of available devices by clicking the column headers, or view more columns by
You can also select an entire group instead of individual devices, by changing the selection method to Groups. Tasks (for example configurations and more) can be performed on a single group or a group and all of its subgroups.
NOTE: Including all subgroups can potentially take much longer and cause much more network traffic, so it should be used only when appropriate.
If you schedule a task using a group, the task will apply to the devices in the group at the time the task starts. This makes it easy to redefine the devices used in regularly scheduled tasks without having to delete and create a scheduled task.
NOTE: The columns displayed on the Select devices page are defined in View > Preferences > Device Identification.
Click Next. The Confirm page is displayed.
5.Review the settings selected. Click Apply Template. The Results page is displayed.
6.To see details of the configuration, click Details. Then click Close. Click Done to display the Configuration page.
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