Anomaly | Type | Description | Reset | Ignore | Adjust |
| during that time will |
| continue as normal. |
Abnormal | Data collections for | The page counts | Deletes the | Ignores this | Adjusts the current |
Increasing Page | Device Utilization | collected were over | Collection data | anomaly and | values for the |
Counts | and Hourly Peak | 10,000 pages for a | collected on the | removes it from the | anomalous |
| Usage | given collection | device for the given | open anomalies list. | collection, |
| period. | collection period. |
| subtracting the |
| Future collections |
| abnormally large |
| during that time will |
| number of pages |
| continue as normal. |
| from the count. |
Descending Page | Data collections for | The collected page | Deletes the | Ignores this | Adjusts the current |
Counts | Device Utilization | count has | Collection data | anomaly and | values for the |
| and Hourly Peak | decreased; and will | collected on the | removes it from the | anomalous |
| Usage | be treated as if no | device for the given | open anomalies list. | collection, |
| pages were printed | collection period. |
| subtracting the |
| on the device. | Future collections |
| actual negative |
| during that time will |
| pages from the |
| continue as normal. |
| collection. |
Possibly missing | Data collections for | HP Web Jetadmin | N/A | Ignores this | N/A |
job data | By User | has detected that |
| anomaly and |
| print jobs may have |
| removes it from the |
| been missed |
| open anomalies list. |
| because the device |
| didn't send traps for |
| the jobs. |
Removed from trap | Data collections for | The | N/A | Ignores this | Altering this |
table | By User | HP Web Jetadmin |
| anomaly and | anomaly adds the |
| server was removed |
| removes it from the | HP Web Jetadmin |
| from the device's |
| open anomalies list. | server to the Trap |
| trap table. Traps for |
| Table. |
| completed jobs will |
| not be received. |
Device is not | All data collections | HP Web Jetadmin | N/A | Ignores this | N/A |
unique |
| was not able to |
| anomaly and |
| obtain sufficient |
| removes it from the |
| data to uniquely |
| open anomalies list. |
| identify the device. |
Not supported by | All data collections | The device does not | N/A | Ignores this | N/A |
device |
| support the |
| anomaly and |
| requirements of the |
| removes it from the |
| data collection. |
| open anomalies list. |
Device is under | All data collections | HP Web Jetadmin | N/A | Ignores this | N/A |
contract |
| could not complete |
| anomaly and |
| the report |
| removes it from the |
| subscription for the |
| open anomalies list. |
| device because it is |
| under contract. |
Failed to connect | All data collections | HP Web Jetadmin | N/A | Ignores this | N/A |
to device |
| was unable to |
| anomaly and |
| communicate with |
| removes it from the |
| the device. |
| open anomalies list. |
SNMP trap table is | All data collections | HP Web Jetadmin | N/A | Ignores this | N/A |
full on device |
| could not complete |
| anomaly and |
| the collection |
| removes it from the |
| subscription for the |
| open anomalies list. |
220 Chapter 3 Device Management | ENWW |