Manage the Global SNMPv1 Set Community Names
The SNMP Set Community Name is a grouping mechanism for SNMPv1/v2 that has been adopted as a security mechanism by many customers. Device configuration is not possible without knowledge of the Set name value. The Set name value traverses the network in clear text and can be easily detected by eavesdroppers.
Following are steps to configure this option:
1.On the top menu bar, access Tools > Options > Shared > Credentials > Device > SNMPv1 Set Community Name.
2.To add a community name, click Add and type the community name. Enter an associated (or easier) name in Remember credential as and click OK.
3.To remove a Set Community Name, click Remove.
Manage the Global SNMPv3 Credentials
SNMPv3 secures and authenticates communication between management applications, such as HP Web Jetadmin, and devices. SNMPv3 is used when strong security is a requirement.
SNMPv3 credentials consist of a user name, authentication protocol, private protocol, passphrase1, and passphrase2. HP Web Jetadmin uses these credentials when SNMPv3 is enabled.
HP Web Jetadmin can discover devices that have SNMPv3 fully enabled. However, you must configure HP Web Jetadmin to discover
To discover
●SNMPv3 is enabled in HP Web Jetadmin and SNMPv3 credentials are configured on the devices. In this case, HP Web Jetadmin stores the credentials in its credentials store, and then uses these credentials when communicating with the devices.
●SNMPv3 credentials are added to the HP Web Jetadmin global credentials store and these global credentials match the credentials on the devices. In this case, when HP Web Jetadmin communicates with an
Devices that HP Web Jetadmin discovers through SNMPv1 and have SNMPv3 enabled through some other method, such as the HP Embedded Web Server or another instance of HP Web Jetadmin, have a Device Communication Error status when HP Web Jetadmin attempts to
To manage the global SNMPv3 credentials, perform the following steps:
NOTE: SNMPv3 does not support the No Authentication Protocol and No Privacy Protocol modes.
1.Go to Tools > Options > Shared > Credentials > Device > SNMPv3.
2.To add an SNMPv3 credential, perform the following steps:
a.Click the Add button.
b.In the User name box, enter the user name.
c.From the Authentication Protocol list, select MD5 or SHA1.
d.In the Authenticated password and Confirm authenticated password boxes, enter the authenticated password (minimum of 8 characters).
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