Command Dictionary





A required, right-justified, hexadecimal number, greater than 0, specifying the initial state of the LFSR.

The following lists the three shift_type switches of which you can choose only one.


An optional switch specifying that the LFSR shifts both serially and in parallel. This is the default unless you change it with the Setup LFSRs command.


An optional switch specifying that the LFSR shifts serially the number of times equal to the length of the longest scan chain for each scan pattern.


An optional switch specifying that the LFSR parallel shifts once for each scan pattern.

The following lists the two tap_type switches of which you can only choose one.


An optional switch specifying that the exclusive-OR taps reside outside the register path. This is the default unless you change it with the Setup LFSRs command.


An optional switch specifying that the exclusive-OR taps reside in the register path.


The following example defines an LFSR to be a PRPG and another LFSR to be a MISR:

add lfsrs lfsr1 prpg 5 10 -serial -in add lfsrs misr1 misr 5 15 -both -out add lfsr taps lfsr1 1 3

add lfsr taps misr1 1 2

FastScan and FlexTest Reference Manual, V8.6_4


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