Report Bus Data | Command Dictionary |
Report Bus Data
Tools Supported: FastScan and FlexTest
Scope: All modes
Prerequisites: You can use this command only after the tool flattens the design to the simulation model, which happens when you first attempt to exit Setup mode or when you issue the Flatten Model command.
REPort BUs Data type
Displays the bus data information for either an individual bus gate or for the buses of a specific type.
The Report Bus Data command displays the following bus information:
∙Instance name
∙Gate identification number
∙Contention handling (pass, bidi, fail, or abort)
∙Type of bus (strong or weak)
∙Number of drivers on the bus
∙Any learned behavior of the bus.
The design rule that checks for bus contention mutual exclusivity is rule E10. For more information on rule E10, refer to the Extra Rules section of the
FastScan and FlexTest Reference Manual, V8.6_4 |