Command Dictionary Report Drc Rules
FastScan and FlexTest Reference Manual, V8.6_4 2-285
Report Drc Rules
Tools Supported: FastScan and FlexTest
FastScan Scope: All modes
FlexTest Scope: Setup and Drc modes.
REPort DRc Rules [rule_id-occurrence#] [-Summary] [-Verbose]
Displays either a summary of all the Design Rule Check (DRC) violations or the
data for a specific violation.
The Report Drc Rules command displays the following information for a specific
Rule identification number
Current number of rule failures
Violation handling
ATPG analysis flag (if used)
Rule verbosity flag (if used).
You can use the Set Drc Handling command to change the handling of the C
(clock), “A (RAM a.k.a. array)” or “A (array a.k.a. RAM)”, D (data), and E
(extra) rules.
For more information on the design rules, refer to the Design Rules Checking
appendix in the Design-for-Test: Common Resources Manual.
A literal that specifies the identification of the exact design rule violation
(including the occurrence) for which you want to display information. The
argument must include the design rules violation ID (rule_id), the specific