Command DictionaryCommand Summary
Table 2-1. Command Summary [continued]
| D |
| F |
| T | F | F |
Command | I | S | T | Description |
| ||
Set Capture Handling |
| ∙ |
| Specifies how FastScan globally handles the |
| data capture of state elements that have C3 |
| and C4 rule violations. |
Set Capture Limit |
| ∙ | Specifies the number of test cycles between |
| two consecutive scan operations. |
Set Checkpoint |
| ∙ | ∙ | Specifies whether the tool uses the checkpoint |
| functionality. |
Set Clock Restriction |
| ∙ | ∙ | Specifies whether the ATPG can create |
| patterns with more than one active capture |
| clock. |
Set Clock_off |
| ∙ |
| Enables or disables simulation with the clocks |
Simulation |
| off. |
Set Clockpo Patterns |
| ∙ |
| Specifies whether ATPG can perform pattern |
| creation for primary outputs that connect to |
| clocks. |
Set Contention Check |
| ∙ | ∙ | Specifies the conditions of contention |
| checking. |
Set Control Threshold |
| ∙ |
| Specifies the controllability value for random |
| pattern simulation. |
Set Decision Order |
| ∙ |
| Specifies how the ATPG determines and uses |
| observation points. |
Set Dofile Abort |
| ∙ | ∙ | Lets you specify whether the tool aborts or |
| continues dofile execution if an error |
| condition is detected. |
Set Drc Handling |
| ∙ | ∙ | Specifies how the tool globally handles design |
| rule violations. |
FastScan and FlexTest Reference Manual, V8.6_4 |