Report Seq_transparent Procedures | Command Dictionary |
Report Seq_transparent Procedures
Tools Supported: FastScan
Scope: Atpg, Fault, and Good modes
REPort SEq_transparent Procedures
Displays a list of seq_transparent test procedures along with the associated data that you specify.
The Report Seq_transparent Procedures command displays a list of the specified seq_transparent test procedures. You can optionally display data associated with each seq_transparent test procedure by specifying the appropriate switches which are described under “Arguments”.
If you do not specify any of the data switches, the command does not provide any details about the procedures.
An optional switch that displays the associated data for all seq_transparent procedures. If you do not specify any other argument with the
An optional repeatable string that specifies the names of the seq_transparent procedures whose data you want to display.
An optional switch that displays the seq_transparent cells associated with the specified procedures. By default, FastScan does not display these cells.
FastScan and FlexTest Reference Manual, V8.6_4 |