Add Initial States | Command Dictionary |
Add Initial States
Tools Supported: FlexTest
Scope: Setup mode
ADD INitial States {0 1 X} instance_pathname...
Specifies an initial state for the selected sequential instance.
You can also initialize states using the test_setup procedure within the test procedure file. The problem with using the test_setup procedure is that it always applies a force operation (even when there is no force statement), which can destroy the initial state you just set.
If you use both the test_setup procedure and the Add Initial States command, FlexTest overrides the states after the test_setup procedure with the state you specify in the Add Initial States command.
FlexTest does not use the information that you specify with the Add Initial States command during the rules checking process.
A literal that initializes the instance to a low state.
A literal that initializes the instance to a high state.
A literal that initializes the instance to an unknown value.
A required repeatable string specifying the name of a design hierarchical instance. You cannot specify a DFT library hierarchical instance name. You can specify the whole circuit by entering “/”.
FastScan and FlexTest Reference Manual, V8.6_4 |