Chapter 5
Distributed FlexTest
FlexTest has the ability to divide ATPG processes into smaller sets and run these sets simultaneously on multiple workstations. This capability is called Distributed FlexTest. The workstation from which FlexTest is invoked is known as the master machine and the FlexTest process is known as the master process (this process controls all processes). Similarly, the remote machines where additional FlexTest processes are spawned for parallel processing are known as slave machines and the spawned FlexTest processes are known as slave processes. Each machine can execute several processes at once.
In order to use Distributed FlexTest you must have multiple licenses of FlexTest (at least one full FlexTest license for the
Note master machine and additional full FlexTest licenses for use as slaves). For example, three licenses are required to run the FlexTest process (master process) and two slave processes as shown in Figure
FastScan and FlexTest Reference Manual, V8.6_4 |