Command Dictionary | Report Statistics |
Report Statistics
Tools Supported: FastScan and FlexTest
Scope: All modes
REPort STAtistics
Displays a detailed report of the design’s simulation statistics.
The Report Statistics command displays a detailed statistics report to the screen. The statistics report information depends on which tool you use. The following paragraphs describe the contents of the statistics report for each tool.
FastScan Specifics
The FastScan statistics report lists the following three groups of information:
∙The current number of collapsed and total faults in each class. The report does not display fault classes with no members.
∙The percentage of test coverage, fault coverage, and ATPG effectiveness for both collapsed and total faults
∙The total numbers for the following:
oTotal patterns simulated in the preceding fault simulation process. This subgroup may additionally contain total numbers for the following internal patterns sets:
basic scan patterns Clock_po patterns Ram_sequential patterns Clock_sequential patterns
oTotal patterns currently in the test pattern set
oTotal CPU time.
FastScan and FlexTest Reference Manual, V8.6_4 |