Command Dictionary | Flatten Subckt |
Flatten Subckt
Tools Supported: FastScan and FlexTest
Scope: Setup mode
Prerequisites: This command can only operate on a Spice design.
FLAtten SUbckt subckt_name
Flattens the SUBCKT in the Spice design.
The Flatten Subckt command flattens the Spice design. Flattening enables the Extract Pattern command to perform matching of bidirectional MOS instances to ATPG library models that cross hierarchical boundaries. You can choose to flatten only the subckt that crosses the hierarchical boundary.
A required string that specifies the name of the SUBCKT you want to flatten.
An optional switch string that specifies that recursive flattening should occur. If omitted, the default is to flatten only one level.
The following example recursively flattens the FADD2 SUBCKT:
flatten subckt FADD2
Related Commands
Extract Subckts
FastScan and FlexTest Reference Manual, V8.6_4 |